Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hot as Fuck

Nope, not talking about 50 shades of grey. I swear to god, I keep looking at my kindle and thinking "Ugh I paid ten dollars for the second book and I don't wannna!" Of course, of all the reading I could be doing, I'm sitting online reading facebook. Cultured.

I started working at a beauty supply shop, and it's pretty neat. So far, so good. However my manager at the bar apparently wants to chop my head off...can't win them all.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


It's possible that I have cleaned my entire apartment and am secretly so proud of myself that I want to have a party for myself. 

I'm also finding it more enjoyable to read Amber's blog on how shit-tastic 50 shades of grey is than I am reading the second book. Sorry EL James. You suck at writing. Hard.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fuck Tard

I honestly annoy the living fuck out of myself sometimes. I lose things so frequently, you'd think I would learn. Nope. But when I do actually designate spots for things, I forget where that is and I lose them once more. Paychecks? Yup. Bills? Yup. Are they in my brand new mail holder? Fuck no! So that means I have completely no idea where they have ended up.

This is because I have let my apartment become a dungeon of dishes and dirty laundry for the last few months of school because I had no time to do shit about it. Now that I have somewhat cleaned the living area, I have lost a good amount of things. It's a good thing Brian has his shit together and head on his shoulders because I feel as if I am perpetually living with my head up my ass.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


I finally graduated Beauty School. I have never been so happy to know that I won't have to look at some of those disgusting fat 18 year olds who have no idea what hard work is and are completely full of themselves; unrightfully so. I am taking a couple days to just relax but then again, I don't really like thinking that all I have ahead is working at the bar. I suppose I will have to keep job searching, and stop blogging...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A year later...

So a year gone by. And I'm still in my quarter life. Living the dream. I finish beauty school in four weeks. What a trip! I thought my quarter life was bad but shit! I'm thrilled I'm not 18 anymore. Speaking of 18... I definitely was a runner and semi in shape. I just challenged myself to walk a mile. How embarrassing. I took 14:57 to WALK a mile. Talk about a motivational challenge gone wrong. So, I need some re-motivation. I don't actually care what your perception of in shape or skinny is by saying that I really need to work it out. I'm 26, 5'4, 117. Starting now, I'd like to change my athletic skills. Today = one mile, and some on the fly an work for 15 minutes. So, is anyone also skeptical? One blog, one work out, one day at a time!

Friday, April 1, 2011


So, usually I like to rant and rave and act witty in this blog. But I'm compelled to confess to someone, something, anything that I'm scared out of my mind.

I'm broke. I'm watching my money disappear and I'm scared shitless.

That's all.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Okay let me just say this: Most people are hypocrites at one point or another. However, it's the blatant statements and oversights that really 'grinds my gears.'

When a person who's personality is most readily identified by crankiness, rudeness and self pity- it makes me laugh when they have public epiphanies about how other people choose to express themselves. If I'm having a bad day, let's say, I will most likely say so. Will it last forever? No. Will I let it ruin my life? No. So, what's so wrong in expressing my frustration? Oh that's right, there's nothing wrong with it. If you want to be happy and blissful and la-ti-fuckin-da for a day, go for it! Go to town. But don't criticize my bad day. If you ask people: "Hey, what word best describes Meg?" I can guarantee it's not Peppy or Cheerful. I have cheerful moments, but mostly I'm a sarcastic lady with a sharp tongue. So, if having a bad day makes me ungrateful, that means that a whole lotta shit in the whole entire world is unappreciated. Your one day epiphany doesn't mean jack shit. Sorry, but it just doesn't. You aren't holier than thou.

The End!